— The MOPACA Team
Huacaya, Female, Unproven | Dark Fawn
WOW!! We knew this one was special when she hit the ground!! Gracie is the product of a dam and sire that both pass on incredible staple length and she got it, too. She is packed with beautiful, long fiber. She has perfect bite and conformation and "the head" that judges are looking for. She is definitely a show stopper. Gracie just gave birth Oct. 2015 to a beautiful Golden Sentry daughter. She sells with cria at side and a rebreed to any of the herd sires we own. - See more at: http://www.mannameadowsalpacas.com/AlpacaDetails.asp?HSAnmID=78&HSSelect=Weanlings/Maidens&HSPkgID=#sthash.q7RtuAZr.dpuf
Updated 10/4/2018